Rails Performance exercise
Thu, Oct 6, 2022Here is a typical Rails endpoint:
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
def index
@products = Product.all
@products = @products.map do |product|
id: product.id,
name: product.name,
average_rating: product.reviews.average(:rating),
categories: product.categories.map(&:name)
render json: @products
It is readable, easy to maintain, uses Rails’s native functions such as average
Let’s do an exercise together to see how we can improve its performance. The exercise assumes you have monitoring and logging, you judged this endpoint worth optimizing, and CPU/RAM and networking are already optimized.
1. Pagination
Fetching all products can be expensive if the database is large. Let’s reduce the number of records fetched at once.
def index
@products = Product.page(params[:page]).per(20)
It is set at 20 in this example, but it can be a parameter or a different value, based on customer needs.
2. Preload Associations
Eager load reviews and categories reduce queries. Calculating average_rating
for each product causes N+1 queries. Mapping categories for each product adds additional N+1 queries.
def index
@products = Product.includes(:reviews, :categories).page(params[:page]).per(20)
No more N+1 queries
3. Indexing
If you haven’t already, make sure to add indexes on joined or searched columns
# db/migrate/add_indexes_to_reviews_and_categories.rb
add_index :reviews, :product_id
add_index :categories_products, [:category_id, :product_id]
4. Database Calculations
Whatever Ruby uses for calculating averages, database level calculation will be faster. There is no type casting, no formatting, no N loops etc.
def index
@products = Product
.select("products.*, AVG(reviews.rating) as average_rating")
Many miss db calculations. Any Rails developer know about count
which translates into COUNT(*)
, but did you know databases also do average
, sum
, maximum
, minimum
5. Selective Queries
Tables are often bloated with binary jsons, dozens of columns, and even binaries. Select only needed columns!
def index
@products = Product
.select("products.id, products.name, AVG(reviews.rating) as average_rating")
6. Batch Queries for Associations
We can write more efficient queries for associations
def index
@products = # load products
product_ids = @products.pluck(:id)
average_ratings = Review.where(product_id: product_ids).group(:product_id).average(:rating)
categories = Category.joins(:products).where(products: { id: product_ids }).group_by(&:product_id)
render json: @products.map do |product|
id: product.id,
name: product.name,
average_rating: average_ratings[product.id] || 0,
categories: categories[product.id]&.map(&:name) || []
5. Asynchronous Queries
Asynchronous queries in Rails 7.0 are executed in a background queries. If you have multiple expensive database queries, the application doesn’t have to wait for one query to finish before starting another
def index
# the queries below will be processed in parallel
@products = Product.load_async.page(params[:page]).per(20)
product_ids = @products.pluck(:id)
average_ratings = Review.load_async.where(product_id: product_ids).group(:product_id).average(:rating)
categories = Category.load_async.joins(:products).where(products: { id: product_ids }).group_by(&:product_id)
render json: @products.map do |product|
id: product.id,
name: product.name,
average_rating: average_ratings[product.id] || 0,
categories: categories[product.id]&.map(&:name) || []
requires config.active_record.async_query_executor
to be set
9. Cache Results
For frequently accessed rows, we can cache average rating and category data for products.
def index
@products = # Product load
render json: @products.map { |p| p.cached_attributes }
# app/models/product.rb
class Product < ApplicationRecord
def cached_attributes
Rails.cache.fetch(["product", id, "cached_attributes"], expires_in: 12.hours) do
id: id,
name: name,
average_rating: reviews.average(:rating),
categories: categories.map(&:name)
10. Background Processing
Average is easy. In real-world applications, we have to calculate fees, totals, and metrics that are far from trivial. Calculations can be precomputed and stored.
Background processing also works for large datasets.
class Product < ApplicationRecord
after_save :update_average_rating
def update_average_rating
self.average_rating = reviews.average(:rating)
Depending on your use case, aggregation logic can be offloaded to an external API. That external API could run on a mean, blazing fast stack (such as Crystal or Rust), or can be allocated more powerful hardware. I have a more elaborate comparison table on this.
If you really want to move to an external service, make sure to profile performance. An external API will add networking time so you can end up with worse response times.
# Offload aggregation logic to an external API gateway.
def index
render json: ExternalProductService.fetch_products(page: params[:page])
Another option is to replace the REST endpoint withh a GraphQL API for selective querying.
class Types::ProductType < Types::BaseObject
field :id, ID, null: false
field :name, String, null: false
field :average_rating, Float, null: true
field :categories, [String], null: true
class Resolvers::ProductsResolver
def resolve(page: 1, per_page: 20)
Product.includes(:reviews, :categories).page(page).per(per_page)
Like the external API gateway above, there are pros and cons with GraphQL. Many teams were wooed by the new tech only to backtrack when they see the maintenace costs and added complexity.